7 compact dining areas with enough space for everyone

It is not always possible to put a large rectangular table in the center of the kitchen with chairs around the perimeter – often the realities are more modest.

It is not always possible to put a large rectangular table in the center of the kitchen with chairs around the perimeter – often the realities are more modest. Round table, window position, folding tables, and peninsulas: we consider how the owners of small dining groups beat them, and get inspired.

1. Stylish dining area in the kitchen with an unusual layout

The room in the photo is not small, but narrow, so the dining area was made compact. A round table is perfect for this purpose – it looks easy (especially with such an elegant leg in the center) and there are no extra corners that “eat up” space. The hostess has 3 chairs, but if necessary – if, for example, guests have come – it will be possible to fit a couple more. The zone is located between two windows, and additionally, it was highlighted with minimalistic posters in the room’s palette.

2. Mini-zone with a summer mood for breakfast

Bar and semi-bar counters, like the example in the photo, are a great solution for small kitchens or apartments where a full-fledged dining room is located separately. This is just the case. In the room adjacent to the kitchen there is a dining room with a large table for family dinners and receiving guests. But to have a quick breakfast or drink coffee together, covering it is not very logical. Here the owners have arranged a kind of island against the wall (they often do this with window sills). Above it, a wall was laid out in one row with the same tiles as the apron, and the space was decorated with a shelf with aesthetic open storage. Rattan bar stools look harmonious against the blue walls and create a relaxed, summer atmosphere.

3. Simple square table for two in a white kitchen

In this kitchen with a corner set, the decision to make a compact dining area is not dictated by the size of the kitchen, but rather by the desire to leave free space around. Reasonably – you can safely move around the table; neither the corners nor the legs of the chairs will definitely interfere. For two this format is enough. If you need to space more people, you can move the table away from the wall (again – there is enough space around) and add a couple of guest chairs or stools.

4. Cozy area with a round table by the window

Here, the arrangement of a very small dining area was determined by the modest area of ​​the kitchen itself. However, the interior still looks harmonious. Firstly, the table was placed by the window – it gives the impression of a more expanded space, and the walls do not press. Secondly, the model was chosen round, and if desired, chairs or stools can be arranged as ergonomically as possible around it. And, finally, if the functionality of the kitchen set is not so important at the moment, the table can be pushed to the center of the kitchen and the guests can be seated in a circle. Most importantly, when arranging a very small kitchen, do not forget about the decor and accents – they make the space deeper and more textured, not flat.

5. Small and very cozy dining area with a bench

A great solution in a compact dining room is to put a mini sofa or bench. For example, in this interior, she successfully got into the resulting niche. On the one hand, it does not interfere with the passage and is not striking. On the other hand, it can easily accommodate 2-3 people. On the other side are chairs upholstered in velour. Home-made shelf cells with decor and cozy lanterns were hung above the zone. All this creates a pleasant chamber atmosphere. At the same time, a family of four can easily sit at the table.

6. Compact kitchen with folding table

A folding table is another ergonomic solution when the dining area needs to take up a minimum of space. For a family of two or those who eat separately at different times, this is the optimal format. When someone comes or during joint Sunday breakfasts, the table can be expanded. In this interior, they picked up a basic white model with legs with a simple unfolding mechanism. They decided to combine the chairs (also folding) with the color of the wooden tabletop. Thanks to the light range, the small kitchen looks airy and cozy.

7. Round table in the living room

As we noted above, any table can be moved away from the wall in order to additionally fit one or two people behind it. But you can unlock the potential of the round model even more if it always takes place in the center of the room. The hostess of the interior in the photo connected the living and dining areas  (the kitchen itself is quite tiny). And, despite the small diameter of the table, the dining group no longer looks small, and 4 chairs freely stand around. By the way, they are not complete. The combination of different chairs in silhouette and color looks boring and, in addition to being practical, gives the dining area a decorative function.

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