Top 8 Trending Accessories: How to Decorate an Apartment Inexpensively

8 trending accessories how to decorate an apartment

The décor helps to create a mood and quickly change a boring interior. At the same time, the cost of accessories is often quite high, which is why we abandon many decoration ideas. We show you how you can transform an apartment without much cost.

1. Bottle vases

Minimalist décor is trending now, so for fresh bouquets or dried flowers, it is not necessary to choose complex vases. You can buy inexpensive accessories in the form of smooth or convex bottles or make your own from what you have at home. Both ordinary glass containers and some interesting bottles are suitable. All you need to do is to get rid of the labels, and decorate them if desired. The same applies to cans of irregular shapes.

2. Living Still Lifes

Fruits and flowers are a versatile décor that will never go out of style. Vases with bouquets, plates with bright oranges, pomegranates, or apples always add coziness to your home and dilute a neutral interior. The main rule is that they must be real, not fake. Combine flowers, fruits, and vegetables in your compositions. Put in beautiful dishes or leave them on the countertop. You can dilute them with dried plants, nuts or pebbles – anything that fits the concept.

3. Disco Ball

Once upon a time, it was very popular to attach discobols to the ceiling, and if they also rotated, then you got a real wow effect. Then the disco accessory lost its relevance, and it was forgotten about for a long time. But now it’s back in trend. Only now designers recommend not hanging the ball from the ceiling instead of a lamp, but putting it on a window or on a shelf to create an interesting play of light in the room.

4. Things from the Past

Any vintage in good condition is still relevant. This applies to both décor items such as paintings and posters, vases, caskets, figurines, and individual accent pieces of furniture. If you have a chair or chest of drawers in decent condition, you can add relevance to the product by updating the coating or simply replacing the fittings. It is often possible to carry out an express restoration on your own and without much expense.

5. Poster Cards

If you have a large wall map lying around, don’t think of it as old junk that you need to get rid of. Match it with a simple wooden frame and hang it on the wall instead of a painting. Cards from the past have the most trendy sound, but modern ones are also quite suitable. If you don’t have glass in the frame, you can mark places you want to go or where you’ve already been, and even attach memorable photos. Don’t have your own card? In the store, you will find inexpensive posters with any cities and countries.

6. Candlesticks

Candlesticks are another timeless interior accessory that can be safely said to be always in trend. Today, candlesticks of unusual shapes, with a reference to modern art, and, conversely, minimalistic ones are in fashion. The best materials are ceramics, porcelain, or plaster. By the way, you can use plaster or ceramic figurines as such a candlestick.

7. Tablecloth

For some reason, many people consider the tablecloth to be an exclusively festive accessory. Most likely, because of the stereotype about washing: they say, the fabric is constantly dirty, it is difficult to remove stains. But today there is a large selection of tablecloths with water- and dirt-repellent properties, so feel free to use beautiful textiles in everyday life, and combine them with runners and fabric napkins.

8. Vintage tableware

If you have old sets or even unfinished sets in your closet, take them out and use them not only for their intended purpose but also as décor. You don’t have to put cups and plates only on shelves. Put a vintage tea pair on a windowsill or chest of drawers – as if you forgot to put it away. This will give the interior an element of relaxation.

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