For those who furnish apartments themselves, it often seems like a simple step to order a sofa on the Internet, without testing. This is a common mistake: it can be hard and uncomfortable and returning it is hard and expensive, if not impossible. However, there are several ways to remedy the situation. Of course, there are no miracles, but there are a few things you can do to make your sofa a little more comfortable.

Change the filler
If your sofa cushions are too hard, you can make them softer with new inserts. Foam pillows filled with down or wrapped with down are commonly available from upholsterers. If the problem is more that the sofa lacks support, you can wrap a cut-to-size board with Styrofoam and add it under the cushions for a quick fix.

Add a soft blanket
If your budget doesn’t allow for upholstery, consider covering the areas you most often sit in with something soft to cushion the seat. Throw a faux sheepskin rug over it for extra warmth and cushioning, try throwing in a throw.

Buy decorative pillows
Not all pillows are created equal. If you have an uncomfortable sofa, buy quality ones to balance the situation. Large, fluffy pillows with down inserts are an easy way to make the seat a little softer – and don’t be afraid of large and elongated styles: they are just what you need to fill the area between the lower back and the sofa.

Soften the hard cutting edge
An important design feature of the sofa, which affects the level of comfort, is the hard edge under the front of the seat cushions: if they are lifted and pressed, the pressure should be effortless. If this is hard to do, the edge of the sofa is hard. In this case, it is reasonable to change the foam filler at the frame. In general, a sofa with a softer springy front edge turns out to be a comfortable design. This increases the resistance of the frame to loads and the comfort of sitting on the sofa.
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