If your apartment faces north, or daylight does not reach its far part, because there are few windows, do not despair: something can be fixed with the help of design techniques
LET AS MUCH LIGHT INTO THE APARTMENT AS POSSIBLE Additional windows It is not always possible to get an additional window, but it is worth thinking about it. It’s hard to believe, but this sunny attic was originally a dark room, divided into several small rooms with a maximum ceiling height of 3.9 m, and a minimum of 2.3 m.
Enfilade layout The apartment can be made brighter with the help of an enfilade layout. This apartment in Milan is located in a former office. To make it lighter, the designer dismantled the suspended ceilings, lined up the rooms in a suite, and abandoned the doors, replacing them with arches.
REMOVE EVERYTHING THAT PREVENTS LIGHT FROM PENETRATING INTO ALL CORNERS Glass partitions Glass block glass partitions are a great solution for dark apartments, especially that half-made of faceted bricks that refract light beautifully. Transparent or translucent partitions can replace the wall separating the living room from the hall or kitchen, and the bedroom from the common area. In conditions of deficiency of sunlight, this is real salvation.
USE BRIGHT COLORS TO CREATE THE EFFECT OF SUNLIGHT Yellow paint A designer made the mezzanine floors, on which the adult and children’s bedrooms are located, bright yellow – this created the effect of sunlight coming from the roof windows. The apartment seems sunny even in cloudy weather.e-it-brighter
USE MIRROR SURFACES More mirrors Mirrors not only visually expand the space, but also reflect the light, and it becomes larger.
Mirror furniture Mirrored furniture also helps to make the room brighter. Mirror facades of kitchen cabinets are also tempting because they will melt in the air, but there is also a minus – such doors will require constant care.