Ideal for young, purposeful, mobile people who follow fashion, love technological things, and the functionality of space.

The high-tech style originated at a time of rapid development of technology and the conquest of outer space.

This style dictates a lot of tough conditions that calm and not chasing fashion people will find difficult to put up with.

The main characteristics of the high-tech design are:

Straight lines! No smooth transitions and curved contours are acceptable.

The main colors in the style of high-tech are white and black, all shades of gray, and coffee shades of cold tones are acceptable. Plus one active companion color works on contrast and serves to place accents. It can be red, orange, bright green, or blue.

Furniture repeats the simple geometry of space. Let’s say one bright object – for example, a red sofa as an accent. All designs in the apartment in the high-tech style should be straight and light. The materials are dominated by metal, plastic, and glass.

The décor is also dominated by simplicity: mirrors without frames, graphics or black and white photographs, vases, and lamps made of metal or ceramics. In the decoration of the walls, it is advisable not to use wallpaper (except for vinyl without a pattern), painting, tiles, metalized panels, and rough stone are ideal.

Feature: the use of the latest materials, and technologies – both for household appliances and for furniture and decor items.