Sissy+Marley Interiors, led by Chelsea Reale and Diana Rice, transformed the loft into a pre-war building known as the “Celebrity Hostel of New York City,” turning it into a dream home for a family of four.
Customers Ben and Nicole Dell “outgrew” their small apartment in Tribeca and decided to move into an apartment twice as large. After reviewing a variety of options and abandoning those that required significant repairs, they chose an apartment in a recently renovated house next door. Among its advantages are not only a convenient location but also arched windows, oak floors, protruding beams, and a massive custom-made kitchen.
“We design spaces that families want to live in – chic but always functional homes,” say Chelsea Reale and Diana Rice, who have already worked with the Dell family on other projects. To create a comfortable space that is equally luxurious and inhabited, Project 443 Greenwich used custom joinery and carefully selected personal accents.