Growing herbs in a greenhouse? These are the 6 most likely to be successful


Chives are renowned for their mild onion taste and edible purple flowers. These perennial herbs are really easy to look after but they will enter a period of dormancy when temperatures plummet towards freezing.


Parsley comes in flat or curly varieties and is a biennial that is usually grown as an annual. While it can grow happily outside in a sunny spot in the herb garden during the summer months, it benefits from being brought indoors to grow during fall and winter.


Mint is a great option for growing herbs in pots to keep it maintained, given its reputation for spreading easily. Wherever you plant mint, you need to keep it contained in some way otherwise it can spread quickly.


Cilantro tends to be grown as an annual herb but can be grown in a greenhouse if you can replicate the conditions it wants.

It does not want the temperature to be too cold or too hot, therefore planting in spring and fall are ideal to prevent it bolting. When growing cilantro it wants temperatures to be between 60-80℉ – if you can keep your greenhouse cool and frost-free then overwintering cilantro might be achievable.


Dill is another cool-season crop that likes the lower temperatures of spring and fall, rather than the summer heat that will cause it to bolt. When you are growing dill it is best to sow the herb directly into its growing spot as it does not like root disturbance that happens when you transplant seedlings.


Thyme is a Mediterranean plant that is really easy to grow and it is another that goes into dormancy over winter. If you want to continue growing thyme indoors over winter, then you can dig up clumps to replant.

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