5 ways to lighten up your space for spring

1. Introduce lighter colours

Adding softer hues to your home is a surefire way to get you in the mood for spring, says interior stylist Sally Cullen (@sally_stylist). She recommends swapping heavy, wintery soft furnishings such as dark velvet cushions for lighter linens and pastels tones, and packing away heavy throws and blankets. If you can stretch to upgrading your furniture, she recommends neutral sofas and armchairs, like this warm DFS Tub Accent Chair or Sindri 3-Seater Sofa in ivory bouclé.

2. Maximise natural daylight

As spring arrives, so do the long-awaited extended days. Make the most of the increasing daylight hours by maximising your source of natural light, says Sally. ‘Ensure your windows are clean inside and out and swap your heavy curtains for lighter voiles (or no window dressings at all) to let the light flood in,’ she advises.

3. Adjust your light settings

An easy way to create a welcoming ambience is by tweaking your lighting scheme to reflect the soft glow of natural daylight at this time of year. Sally recommends swapping winter daylight bulbs for a lower Lumen rating to reflect the brighter evenings, and investing in dimmer switches for flexible lighting options.

4. Switch up your scents

Few things are more powerful than the ability of scent to alter our mood. Swap heavy wood and spicy aromas for fresh and floral fragrances like citrus or lavender, or bring in earthy elements like cedar and eucalyptus to sync up your senses to the season. Sally suggests scented candles and essential oil diffusers as a potent way to perfume a room, but adds that fresh blooms and growing spring bulbs, such as ​​daffodils, tulips or hyacinths, will also do the trick.

5. Bring the outside in

As well as fresh flowers, adding natural elements such as potted plants, trees and foliage to your home is a great way to boost health and wellbeing and create a connection to the natural world, according to Sally. She suggests adding in biophilic design features such as foraged flowers and greenery from the back garden, a monthly floral subscription and nature-inspired decor such as botanical prints or wooden accents to bring the blossoming outside in.

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